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The original purpose of writing "The Decision" was to develop a tool to aid the newly diagnosed prostate cancer patient in making an informed decision about what to do with his new cancer. I had in mind something that the urologist could give to the patient as he leaves the office just having been told of his having prostate cancer. I want this book in the hands of patients with this disease, and just as importantly, in the hands of the people that love him. My hope is by offering this book at a 40% discount and delivered to you free of the hassle or expense of tax or shipping costs, that obstacles to availability will be lessened.

This nicely positions "The Decision" to be shipped to urologist's offices, prostate cancer organizations, and the drug companies that have pharmaceutical representatives who call on urologists. (The urologist then would have them available to give to a patient the day the diagnosis is made known.)

This book is not the only book the newly diagnosed prostate cancer patient needs, but when combined with a more formal text and appropriate research on the part of the patient and his family, is a very valuable "decision" tool and a "arrow in his quiver."

Orders can be placed in increments of 25 for $9.00 each. Once the Paypal notification is received, the order will be shipped free of charge (standard) directly from the printer, Createspace, to you. Example: An order of 25 would be $225.00 and 50 would be $450.00. Sweet and simple- And I might add that Createspace does a very professional job in how books are packaged and shipped. (If you don't currently do Paypal, you will find it easy to set up and a nice option for other things financial.


This picture was one of many options I had for the cover of the book. That's apple juice in a bag that is over-filled and placed in the foreground. I asked some nurses one day at the hospital one day what they thought of it for the cover. " That's one full bag you've got there Dr. McHugh! And wouldn't the tube come out from under the jacket?" I was sorry I asked...but agreed. I include it here for fun. The ultimate bag had beer in it...one Icehouse and one Bud Light- apparently the perfect combo.